Wednesday, October 29, 2014

#CBSLA #live #news @tokiohotel @tomkaulitz #kingsofsuburbia

on the road #bw #ktz #promoday

already up #promoday #earlymorning #shortestnight #rickowens #garethpugh #ktz @rickowensonline @ktz_official @garethpughstudio

Red Bull Sound Space At KROQ Thank you @tokiohotel for dropping by the #KROQ studios tonight for the Furious 5 @ 9 with @nicalvarez, you guys sounded great! Videos of the interview and performance will be posted up soon on #tokiohotel #billkaulitz #tomkaulitz

having a good time live on #loveline with mike and dr.drew #somuchfun @mikecatherwood @drdrewpinsky

#soundspace #kroq #lwlyb

getting ready for kroq #live #lwlyb #tonight #kroq